Software House - Featured

How to Choose The Right Software House for Your Project

How can you be sure that the team you’re collaborating with will be just what your project needs? Let us guide you through the masses to find your dream software house.

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Android 11 comes with polished and quality helpful innovations, which are developer-friendly where apps can be enhanced with new features and APIs.

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The Agile Methodology is based on iterative and incremental development instead of a linear approach. The system is not built at once but developed incrementally.

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In 2020, Indonesia had 156 million smartphone users. At least 60% million Indonesian are users of smartphones, including iPhone, Android Phone, and other devices, a figure that is growing.

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On September 14, 2019, Vodjo was invited to Universitas Padjajaran Bandung as a speaker at the Digital Business Start-Up Seminar. The prestigious event was conducted by the Student Association of FEB Unpad 2019 entitled the “Digivolution 2019 Gelora Millennial”.

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On April 27, 2019, Vodjo once again collaborated with UXID Bandung as one of the sponsors for the “Form User Research to User Journey Map” event. It featured Virginia Vionasaphira from Gojek, the largest unicorn company in Indonesia, as the facilitator.

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